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Pac's Life?

By M@rk

Following the upcoming release of the Tupac Sakur biographical movie "Pac's Life" and also the new album of the same name, I felt it might be time to ask the question, is it time to let Tupac rest for good?

I fully appreciate the man that was Tupac , he was inspirational and talented in a massive amount of ways, a poet, singer, rapper, songwriter, actor and all round activist, he was a man who did things his way and stood up for what he believed in. I think that it may be time to stop whatever commercial media train that is driving what I feel is an attempt to cash in on the Tupac fans rather than a real tribute to a great man.

This album is full of well produced decent sounding singles with contributions from popular artists of our time, including the unique
stylings of rappers T.I and Ludacris as well as vocal talents of Keyshia Cole and Ashanti. Even with this ability at hand this album never once feels like "Tupac", at some points the samples of Pac are frankly terribly dubbed onto the tracks, for example, the title tracks "everybody needs to chill" line from Pac that is pushed into the record awkwardly every couple of seconds. It feels forced and unnatural. The tracks sometimes feel overly produced and do not sound like the sound of Tupac at all, there are a few moments of vintage Pac on this record but they are few and far between, listening to the record you can't help but feel that they have scrapped the bottom of the Tupac recording barrel and just about managed to create an LP out of it.

In conclusion, this album is listenable if you are a modern hip-hop fan, it contains some tight production values with some well produced lyrics, it is very slick and also very commercial. The problem is, Pac just feels over powered by it, it feels like a chance for every other artist on the album to raise there profile rather than remember Tupac's legacy, and with reports of a 7th post death studio album in the works I fear it could be even worse than the last.

I am always for the remembrance of great artists as one of my favourite artists was the late great Aaliyah, who I think has been remembered very respectively in the past. I just believe that the Amaru entertainment group should take more control over the next album and make sure it is something truly special to remember the man himself.

Title: Pac's Life

Artist: Tupac Shakur (Various Contribution)

Producer(s): L.T Hutton, Sha Money XL, Swizz Beats, QD3,
Canei Finch, Carvin & Ivan, Salih, E.D.I.

Label: Amaru Entertainment

Rating: ***

Without a doubt the best news I have heard this year so far, the upcoming release of Timbaland's next album "Shock Value", I have personally already preordered this and my predictions are that this album will be my album of the year, if not of the century lol. It is reported that it will feature the following artists:

I'm most interested in hearing the reunited force that is Tim & Missy. There is no one else on the planet that would dare try to bring all these different styles together on one LP, and I personally cannot wait to get my hands on it. The first single from the album, "Give It To Me" featuring vocals from Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake, who Tim has already produced for back in 2006, has already been leaked onto the net (not that I would download it illegally lol) and it sounds fantastic.

Tragically I'm sure this album will not get the credit or media coverage that it deserves as producer's albums have never been well received by the "pop" buying public, especially in the here in the UK, as shown by the release of Pharrell Williams album last year. Never the less, for talent appreciating peeps like myself this album will sounding our ears for the majority of 2007. Keep It Coming..!

This is the first entry into this blog, so welcome.

I have always had a rant about music, how great and understated production is on hip-hop and R and B records, also just how generally shit and over rated some music is... so i decided to make a blog so that I could rant to whoever wants to listen, so stick around for my reviews and takes on upcoming music aswell as any urban entertainment that catches my eye...
