I Know, Yet Another Riri Post.

Rihanna is the current 'girl of the moment', as well as riding high in the US she is also number #1 in both the UK "Singles Chart" & "Album Chart". Everywhere you go you constantly hear people singing 'ella, ella, ella' to themselves lol, let's just hope that 'girl of the moment' doesn't turn into 'flavour of the month'.

In other Riri related news, if rumours are to be believed, "Rihanna", "Beyonce" & "Jay Z" are to perform a collaboration track in the near future. This looks like an obvious attempt to stop the 'feud' rumours between Riri & Beyonce, but will also undoubtedly produce one 'Mutha' of a track that is guaranteed to be number #1.

I hope that Rihanna's domination continues for sometime to come, It's great for such a young girl (19) to be doing so well, & of course she looks so good, always.

What Do You Make Of Rihanna, Good Girl, Or Just Bad?