This Is The Brand New Video From "M.I.A" For Her New Single "Jimmy".

After featuring & doing a short review of "Kala", I have grown to like it even more, it's randomness is the key to why it is so good, it is just something different.

I approve of the second single choice, but I don't really like the video, I am aware that M.I.A is a smaller artist compared to the likes of "Beyonce" for example, but it has been proven many times that it is not too hard to make a good video with limited resources.

This vid just seems like an 80's throwback, & not is a quirky, cool way, in a cheap, dull kind of way. The sparkly dress & wicked colours don't make up for the fact it doesn't go anywhere. I much preferred the video for "Boyz".

Check Out The Video Below & See What You Think, Plus, Go & Grab the Album When It Drops On The 20th (UK).

What Do You Think Of The Vid,
Let Me Know?