No Your Right, It's Not Very Urban At All, But...

I have heard a rumour re-emerge, that "Michael Jackson" may appear on the Finale of this years American Idol, this would be fantastic to see as it would be the kick start he needs if he is to make a comeback.

Another, more realistic rumour that I have heard is that the UK winner of X-Factor "Leona Lewis" will appear onstage, to get he noticed in the US. I don't think she will have a problem, the range & pure electricity of her voice will make her a world wide superstar, I think she is the next "Whitney Houston".

Anyway, as we are down to the last 3 on this year Idol, it may be worth keeping your eyes & ears open, just in case we do see MJ.

Tell Me What You Think?

Is It Too Late For A Jaclson Comeback, Or Is He Still The King?